Artscape 2007 - Pt 3
Saturday, July 21. We worm our way up Mt. Royal to see Artscape proper, our mission to see the Maryland Film Festival Films-in-a-Tent, the Laure Drougoul-curated Ceci n'est pas exhibit Foodcourt performers (since Amy hasn't seen them), MICA's Decker Gallery and Fox buildings to see the the art displayed there.
Mission was accomplished. But the fun was getting there. Here are my remaining pix from Artscape 2007.

Ashes to ashes, sawdust to sawdust. Outside the Lyric.

The Tomb of the Unknown Artist.
Wakes held nightly at the Mt. Royal Tavern

Mission Statement for all artists. It's all about the Benjamins!
Become an Artist and never work again!

The Nay-Saying Neo-Cons Kiosk

Art without wine is like sex without the masks.
Beautiful Babs and friend get fortified with Sangria

Rugrats try to turn Squirrel Statue into roadkill

Art solves the parking problem

Chicks love phallic monoliths

Arty combo rocks out in the Food Court

Senior Moment: Amy spaces out in front of an exhibit in the Fox Building

My impression of the Bengies Drive-In during a meteor storm

Amy interacts with art

Who Needs Cable?: Video Installation at Fox Building

Frosted Strawberry Pop Tart face video installation

"Whatever you do, don't look down!": Chris the Plumber of Jensen Plumbing talks his girlfriend Shannon through a Spot-a-Pot plumbing crisis in the Artscape Food Court
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