The Chucks Connection
Canvasing the Net for Chuck Taylor Films
Searching the Web for reviews of the 1960 Jane Fonda-Anthony Perkins romantic comedy Tall Story, in which Tony plays a college basketball star, I ran across this most unusual site: The ChucksConnection (
Here's their mission statement:
The ChucksConnection is a website about the Converse All Star "Chuck Taylor" canvas basketball shoe, the classic American sneaker, as seen in films, photographs, and television shows, or described in reviews, articles, and stories about why people like wearing chucks.
OK, fine. But the best part of this is the impressive A through Z list of Chuck Taylor appearances in films, complete with reviews and ratings. There's even "Best Chucks Scene" analysis - in Tall Story, it's the scene where Perkins has his coach and the district attorney lace up his Chucks before a game.

Obviously, Hoosiers gets high marks for this cover:

But the editors seem to love best a film I've never heard of, The Cure(1995). Here's their review of the film they call " of the all time best films featuring Converse Chuck Taylor black high tops. There is great chucks photography throughout, as you can see from the title shot..."

"and the classic sneaker even has significance to the plot." Thank God - I hate gratuitous Chucks scenes! In fact, David Mamet firmly believes that Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars should only be shown when they inherently advance the narrative. (Actually, I just made up that last part.)
Curiously, The Cure film was directed by Peter Horton. The name should only ring a bell if your were a fan of the Tv drama thirtsomething, in which Horton played the annoying toxic playboy Gary Shephard, who had the classic Bjorn Borg Blonde Bimbo Look. Horton went on to become a TV director, most notably on Grey's Anatomy.
Better yet, there's the Chucks Honor Roll, which lists the 40-plus actors who have worn Chucks in two or more films! Wil Wheaton leads the pack with five movie appearances, followed by Justin Long, Elijah Woods and Josh Charles with four flicks under their canvas soles.
As the site puts it, "Isn't it great when the video or film you watch has an All Star cast?"
Couldn't agree more. Check it out.
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