Baltimore Babylon
The Terrors of Tinytown: Sex, Sleaze, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, and Other Nefarious and Notorious Goings-On

(Baltimore City Paper, December 2, 1992)
As part of my Spring Cleaning this weekend, I ran across this old article I worked on with fellow Baltimore City Paper scribes Tom Chalkley (who also drew the pictures), David Dudley, Mike Guiliano, Brennen Jensen, and Michael Yockel. I'm posting it here because I don't think the City Paper ever uploaded it to their online archives. Which is too bad, because I love scandals and it's one of the best run-downs of Baltimore's Hall of Shame. So take a gander at our Rogue's Gallery of Charm City Charmers like Spiro T. Agnew, Wally Orlinksy, Clarence Mitchell III, William Zantzinger, Joan "Dragon Lady" Bereska, Alice Pinderhughes, Jeffrey and Karol Levitt, B104 DJ Willie B, Patterson Park investigative journalist Marty Bass, B'more political oddity Monroe "That's a bunch of junk!" Cornish, and child-molesting serial killer Arthur Goode. You'll have to click on the images to enlarge them (sorry, I'm not very good with scanning stuff in!).

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Labels: baltimore, Baltimore Babylon, City Paper, crimes, scandals, tinytown
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