2011 Hampden Idolatry
Hampden Idol Karaoke Highlights
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Hampden Festival

The Hampden Idol judges say, "Let the frivolity begin!"
First, the False Idols:
Watch AV highlights from the Hampden Idol karaoke contest as recorded on my cell phone. Warning: Contains Third World video quality and "High Zero" audio quality.

Tiny Dancer idolizes the Hampden Idols
Watch "Tiny Dancer gets the Fever @ Hampden Idol."

A Trekkie Twosome set their phasers to stun - the audience, that is!
Watch a Trekkie Twosome sing "Romulans Killed the Radio Star."

Spidey Springsteen covers The Boss at Hampden Idol karaoke contest

"Vote for me!": Spidey schmoozes with Hampdel Idol judges after his karaoke performance. They would not be trapped in his web of persuasive glad-handing!
And now, the true star of Hampden Idol: Scott Wallace Brown!
For me, the true star of the day was my friend Scott Wallace Brown's rendering of Dan Hill's "Sometimes When We Touch."

Dan Hill: Was he the forerunner of the Geico Caveman Look?

"Dammit, Dave Cawley," Scott Wallace Brown scowls. "Don't sext me right before I'm ready to go onstage for Hampden Idol karaoke! Wait, is that what I think it is? Ohmigod!"
Watch Scott Wallace Brown sing Dan Hill's "Sometimes When We Touch."
A visibly shaken Scott Wallace Brown collapses from the emo-weight of singing Dan Hill's emotional ballad, "Sometimes When We Touch."

Afterwards, the crowd is left speechless...

...before shouting, "Scott Wallace Brown rules!"

"It's been emotional," Scott confides afterwards to Mr. Bunny.

"I'm so proud of my boy!" says Adele Marley afterwards at her jewelry stand.
Finally, the Finale (at last!):
Watch the Hampden Idol Finalists sing Queen's "We Are the Champions."
Labels: dan hill, hampden festival, hampden idol, scott wallace brown, sometimes when we touch
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