Blind Swordsmen & Vengeful Vixens

After spending the better part of June and July obsessing over the World Cup and watching roughly 130 hours of soccer (and then slowly weaning myself off The Beautiful Game by watching the first two seasons of the cheeky BBC soap opera Footballers Wives), I decided I had to put away the Sports section and pick up the Fine Arts section. That's why I'm currently on a Movie Vacation. Of course, when it comes to films, I'm a total devotee of Japanese films, in all their wonderful forms, be it the classic post-war Chambara/Samurai films, Kinski Fukasawa's 1970s post-Godfather Yakuza film classics, or even the now fashionable post-Ringu J-Horror genre. But there are two icons of 60s and 70s Japanese cinema that have always enthralled me and who I've been reassessing this week: Shintaro Katsu (above left) of the Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman series and Meiko Kaji (below right), best known as Sasori of the Female Convict Scorpion women-in-prison (W.I.P.) films series,

Itchy for Ichi
The Charles Theater's samurai film revival series rekindled my obsession with the Zatoichi films. On August 4, I joined my fellow obsessive/sensei Big Dave Cawley (King of Men) and cohorts Not-So-Big Dave Wright and punk-pop physicist Jason Fritsch (erstwhile guitarist in The Gamma Rays) at the Charles to see Zatoichi and the Fugitives (1968), followed the next Saturday by perhaps the best in the series, Zatoichi On the Road (1963). I was so inspired by the latter that I whipped out my credit card to purchase the AnimEgo Zatoichi DVD box set collection. Kung Fu Cinema's review astutely compared On the Road to a mesh of two Akira Kurosawa films with a touch of Shakespearean romantic tragedy:

"Seemingly free from constraints of humility in previous episodes, Ichi has become more confident and more willing to show off his incredible sword skills which is good news for action fans. The story is an adventurous one that could be compared to Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress (1958) and Yojimbo (1961). The first half features Ichi's journey with Mitsu, played by a lovely Shiho Fujimura who returned to the franchise in 1967 for Zatoichi's Cane-Sword. The latter half features Ichi playing both sides in a turf war, much as Toshiro Mifune did in Yojimbo. Both parts are woven together well with Ichi's love for Mitsu being the dominating theme."The next week, Not-So-Big Dave and Jason dropped out so it was just me and Big Dave and my girlfriend Amy catching the final Zatoichi screening at the Charles, New Tale of Zatoichi (1963), which, like Zatoichi and the Fugitives, was directed by Tokuzo Tanaka. While not the best in the series, New Tale was significant in fleshing out details about Ichi's shadowy past. In it, he travels to his old village, where he meets his old sensai Banno, the man who taught Ichi his sword skills "four years ago." Ichi also visits his parents' graves and his deaf old granny. More importantly, this is the episode where Ichi has his heart broken when he asks for the hand of Banno's sister, Yayoi, only to be called an impudent blind dog by his incensed teacher. That's because the selfish former samurai wants to marry his sis off to some hotshot samurai in Edo, among other nefarious schemes - like helping the Mito Goblins, a gang of bandits, kidnap one of his pupils to extort money from the kid's rich Daddy-san. Truly, as Big Dave said - in mock-Simpsons' Comic Store Guy voice - Banno was the "worst sensei ever!" Yup, Pat Morita in The Karate Kid he's not!
Zatoichi: Columbo with a Cane
The Zatoichi series, like most all chambara films, are set during the Tokugawa period and star Shinatro Katsu as Zatoichi, literally "Ichi the Masseur," masseurs being a customary line of work for blind men of this period. Masseurs at this time were at the bottom of the social caste and were subject to scorn from everybody, from the lowest peasant to the mightiest samurai. And who is this Ichi? No one writes better about Katsu's "franchise" character than Alain Silver, whose essential tome The Samurai Film (1977, revised 2005) contains the definitive chapter on Zatoichi and the Blind Swordfighters genre (yes, there was more than one!). Silver writes:
The title character and "hero" of these motion pictures is Zato Ichi, a burly, crew-cut masseur. Dressed in a short , wrinkled kimono of plain grey cloth and walking on straw sandals or sometimes perched unsteadily on forbidden wooden clogs, he picks his way slowly through crowds and across country with the help of a wooden cane, because he is also a blind man. Nevertheless, as two dozen productions have amply proven, he is one of the deadliest swordsmen in chambara film.

Unlike the traditional samurai master swordsman, Zatoichi does not present a heroic figure. Rather, he is often bumbling, silly and self-deprecating, always looking to avoid a fight whenever possible. Unless a line is crossed. Like calling him a "blind bastard" or hurting innocent people. As Silver points out, Ichi has a soft spot for the weak, "for widows and orphans, for anyone whom he regards, like himself, as a victim of shushigaku or feudal class structure or some unspecified quirk of fate."

Yet Ichi is ultimately a tragic hero, seemingly fated to keep on killing despite his aversion to it. His adherence to butsudo (Buddhism) as Silver points out, means that he is forever repenting his violent life, subjecting himself to endless self-recriminations for the blood on his hands. And, more importantly, he never gets the girl, even though he's more popular with the ladies than Johnny Depp. More cogent comments on this subject from the folks at Kung Fu Cinema:
It's clear that the real reason Ichi never settles down with one woman is that it would hinder the potential for both dramatic and romantic tension which are key factors to the success of the series. Nevertheless, it is both unrealistic and saddening to see a blind man of low social stature given so many opportunities to find happiness with a woman, only be denied or to deny it himself. Don't let Shakespeare fool you, the truth is that the Japanese are the real masters of tragic romance in pop culture...In this regard, Zatoichi On the Road is a prime example of Heartbreak City. As is New Tale of Zatoichi. Purple words on a gray background, to be a blind masseur and to be turned down - by your sensei. Whom you slay in the final reel - that puts the nix on any matrimonial plans with a sensei's sis!

Zatoichi Film Factsheet:
Want to watch Zatoichi films on DVD? Shintaro Katsu starred in 26 Zatoichi films between 1962 and 1989. (To see the complete 26-film list, click here.) He made 25 films in 11 years - from the first, 1962's The Tale of Zatoichi through 1973's Zatoichi in Desperation - then took a 16-year sabbatical before coming back for 1989's Zatoichi. During that time, Katsu transferred the Zatoichi series to the small screen, creating 100 episodes for the Japanese Zatoichi TV series between 1974 and 1979. DVD distributor Tokyo Shock (a division of Media Blasters) - who released the DVD of 1989's Zatoichi - was able to get the rights to the TV series and has begun releasing them on DVD (each of the five TV series DVDs released so far contains three 60-minute episodes). To see a list of TV episodes, click here.

And in 2003, Takeshi Kitano made Zatoichi a blonde in his remake The Blind Swordsman Zatoichi. Kitano was the only Japanese actor other than Shintaro Katsu to portray Zatoichi. Oddly enough, Kitano, who made his name as a legendary comedian, plays Ichi straight, coming nowhere near the humorous charm of Shintaro Katsu.
Meiko Kaji: The Eyes Have It

Maybe it's the film geek in me, but I shore dew luvs me ah dame that fucks shit up in a movie. There is just someting so satisfying about a confident woman who takes no dung. And hands out pain and suffering to anyone who gets all up in her grill and deserves to taste a slice of pummel pie...While not a martial arts or weapons expert, the quiet rage filled character of Sasori (scorpion) played by the raven haired Kaji in the Female Convict Scorpion movies from the early '70s is possibly the toughest, non-nonsense woman I've ever had the pleasure of seeing immortalised on film...if you cross will undoubtably find your ass either dead or in some excruciating agony.
Robin Boogie's article on Kaji is great, but the best print source I've found is Chris D.'s chapter on her in Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film(2005). Chris D. (short for Desjardins) - who works as a programmer for LA's non-profit American Cinematheque - also was lucky enough to get an informative interview with Ms. Kaji in 1997, which is included in his highly recommended book. (By the way, America Cinematique shows some of the best and rarest Japanese cult films in its "Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film" series and is responsible for bringing out DVD releases of such classics as Shunya Ito's Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (Joshuu Sasori: Dai-41 Zakkyo-bô) (1972) and Yasuharu Hasebe's Black Tight Killers (Ore Ni Sawaru To Abunaize) (1966) - both with excellent liner notes - as well as outstanding films by Kinji Fukasaku and Seijun Suzuki. To learn more about Chris D. and the American Cinematique, see American Cinematique's MySpace Profile.)
Female Convict Scorpion

It would be easy to stereotype Meiko Kaji as a "sex kitten with a whip" badass babe in these W.I.P. exploitation films, but that cheapens her accomplishments. In Meiko's hands, Matsu is no one-dimensional character but rather, thanks to her face, thanks to her "grace" - that aura of calculating cool in exhibited in her economy of movement (she never acts without a purpose) and speech (why waste words when actions peak louder?) - and thanks to those black-portal-to-the-soul eyes that glare at her oppressors, her Sasori transcends reality to become a mythic and iconic figure. Like a Helen Mirren in Prime Suspect she exudes class with a tough cookie edge; you think you can take advantage because she's a woman, but tangle with her and you'll soon regret it. Like the guy below regrets it:

And like the tight-lipped Clint Eastwood in his Man With No Name/Spaghetti Western period, Meiko Kaji as Matsu/Sasori minces no words - why bother speaking? - unnerving her opponents with her silence, making her few utterances all the more weighty in significance. She acts when she needs to act, wasting no unnecessary movement. All of which is offset by the stoic beauty of her face.
As Ivan Denisov, reviewing Female Convict #701 - Scorion for the Yakuza Eiga website put it:
"How a man can watch this lady’s films without falling in love with her is beyond me. Here we must credit her first for serious reworking of Matsu’s image (film is based on manga series, where Scorpion uses a lot of foul language, which Kaji didn’t want to do, hence we get not a killer with a dirty words, but very taciturn deadly force) and for creating a heroine comparing to whom Clint Eastwood’s characters seem soft-hearted and sentimental chatterboxes. Not to mention that she looks equally radiant in prison rags and stylish black outfit of an avenging angel. Whenever Meiko Kaji is on the screen one can’t take one's eyes off her."

Ah, so true Ivan, so true! Plus, in the first film, there is LOTS of gratuitous nudity, in fact the shower sequence at the start of Female Convict #701 - Scorpion may be the most gratuitous use of nudity in a credit sequence ever, as an endless parade of young nubiles giggle their way into the prison shower stalls like model runways. It's the only light moment in the film before the gorefest begins. The first film also offers the only nude scene with Ms. Kaji, albeit only a fleeting glimpse of her breasts during her rape scene.
And, as Ivan points out, Meiko Kaji had a lot to do with improving the character of Sasori from stock exploitation "avenging angel" to something more thought-provoking. Chris D. agrees, as he writes in his liner notes for American Cinematique's Female Convict Scorpion - Jailhouse 41 DVD:

"The first four films with Kaji also prove to be a bit of an improvement over their manga (comic book) source. When Kaji balked at the continually spewed obscenities of sasori as she appeared by creator Tooru Shinoharo in Big Comics magazine, she and director Shunya Ito decided to make the character more mysteriously elemental. Sasori is no longer a foul-mouthed ruffian but a virtually silent, deadly force uttering only a few cryptic sentences in each film. Female Convict Scorpion posseses all the traditional exploitation elements but with a surreal, comic book use of color and a succession of mythical/archetypal images leave a haunting, eerie shiver when the last scene unspools."
In other words, the director and actress took what could have been disposable pop cultural trash and made it art. Iconographic art at that. A number of action film series heroes/heroines have a signatire look, and Sasori was no exception. Clint Eastwood's Man With No name had the long duster coat, The Crow had his Goth leather look, and so on. For Sasori, it was the black bolero hat and long black trenchcoat, an all-black, funereal ensemble that at first glance makes me think of John and Yoko's look circa the Beatles' Hey Jude album. Only Meiko's no Yoko. No peace, love and undertanding in her look, baby. No sir-ee.

I've only seen the first two installments of the Scorpion series, of which Jailhouse 41 is the stronger film, but I highly recommend checking out all of the films starring Ms. Kaji.

The full Scorpion filmography is listed below:
Toei's Female Convict Scorpion series filmography:
Female Convict #701 - Scorpion (1972) (Pt. 1)Other Scorpion Films
Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972) (Pt.2)
Female Convict Scorpion: Beast Stable (aka Beast Room, Department of Beasts) (1973) (Pt. 3)
Female Convict Scorpion: Grudge Song (1973) (Pt. 4)
New Female Convict Scorpion: Prisoner #701 (1976) (Pt.5)
New Female Convict Scorpion: Special Cellblock X (1977) (Pt.6)
Female Convict Scorpion - Death Threat (Joshuu Sasori - Satsujin Yakoku) (1991)
Sasori in the U.S.A. (AKA Sasori's Revenge) (1997)
Lady Snowblood

Orphan Yuki was raised by a priest, Dokai, who taught her martial arts and an "Aunt" - her mother's former prison cellmate Mikazuki Otoro - who teaches Yuki pickpocketing. The child was conceived and raised to avenge her mother and as such in continually considered inhuman, a creature of purpose rather than flesh and blood and emotion. Or, a creature of Hell. In fact, her full name Shura Yuki Hime translates literally as Netherworld (Shura) Snow(Yuki) Lady (Hime), I guess so-called because she was born during a snowy night and Snow Hell isn't as cool-sounding as "Snowblood." When she reaches the age of 20, Yuki sets out to kill the three remaning crooks who wronged her family.
Like Matsu/Sasori in the Female Convict Scorpion series, Yuki is a character who pretty much detests men and, at least in the explicitly kinky manga, is frequently depicted in lesbian encounters.
Of the two films, only the first is essential viewing. The second is pretty weak, despite a great supporting role by Juzo Itami (famed director of such Japanese comedies as Tampopo and A Taxing Woman) as an anarchist writer that Yuki is hired to slay. And very political, which isn't surprising given the time it depicts. The story is set against the transition-into-modernity period in Japanese history known as the Meiji Restoration. Starting in 1867 and ending just before the First World War, this was the post-Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1867) period when Japan was becoming Westernized; as a result, the film and manga is rife with political references.
It's easy to see why Quentin Tarantino was a fan of Lady Snowblood. While it's certainly not a bad film, it is not what I would call high art either. Rather, it's a classic exploitation film, full of gratuitous and stylized violence. Arteries don't just spray, they gush. And they gush in bright crimson technicolor red. And the theme song, repeated at the end and referenced in snippets throughout, is pretty cool and, well, like Ivan Denisov said, when Meiko Kaji's on the screen, you just can't take your eyes off of her. She's has that kind of presence. A true star. Meiko Kaji is like Shintaru Katsu is that respect: a franchise player.
Zatoichi Links:
Zatoichi in Wikipedia review
Following the Blind Swordsman review
Images Journal review
The Samurai Film (by Alain Silver)
Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman DVD Box Set (AnimEgo)
Zatoichi Filmography (26 films)
Zatoich TV series (100 episodes)
Zatoichi films on DVD (
Zatoich TV Series on DVD (

Meiko Kaji Links:
Cinema Sewer #18 article
Outlaw Masters of Japanese Cinema(by Chris D. - has a Meiko Kaji chapter)
Cult Sirens: Meiko Kaji
Meiko Kaji in Wikipedia

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