What's in a (F) Word?
Obfuscation Is in the Details
What are words for? When no one listens it's no use talkin at all.
- "Words," Missing Persons
Thanks to my Facebook gal-pal Caprice for alerting me to this wonderful mix that boils down the socio-political context of NWA's indigenous indignity to its essence: The F-bomb. And the MF-bomb. And the N-bomb. And the B(eeyatch)-bomb. And some Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea to sweeten the mix for good measure. All the other verbiage adds up to nothing but gibberage anyway. After all, as Homer Simpson once observed: "English? Who needs that - I'm never going to England!"
See what I'm saying?
NWA - "Straight Outta Compton" Explicit Content Only Edit

The nothing-but-profanity edit. Interestingly, most of the rage is reserved for John Law, with "Fuck Tha Police" clocking in at 42 seconds!
On a similar deconstructive note...
Scarface has a Swearing Problem
Every f**k from De Palma's SCARFACE.
Raging Bull - The F**king Short Version
Training Day - F**king Short Version
Casino - The F**king Short Version
The Big Liebowski - The F**king Short Version
Snatch - The F**king Short Version
Die Hard - The F**king Short Version
Yippee-ki-yay, motherf**kers!
Pulp Fiction - The F**king Short Version
Trainspotting - The F**king Short Version
The Departed - The F**king Short Version
Gran Torino - The F**king Short Version
Full Metal Jacket - The F**king Short Version
Superbad - The Short F**king Version
Of course, the ultimate guide to the F-bomb is Steve Anderon's 2005 documentary F*CK.
F*CK - The F**king Short Version
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