Towson Book Sale
We diddled and dawdled about too long this morning to make it down to the Full House Saloon in Sparrows Point for the 5th Annual Toilet Bowl between Dundalk (which I'm officially rechristening "Fundalk") and Essex to see who would claim ownership of the Back River Waste Water Treatment Plant (aka "The Golden Eggs," Baltimore's golden-domed anaerobic digestion facility) for another year, so instead Amy and I headed north to Baltimore County Public Library's Towson Book Sale. (Does anybody know who won? This shit's important!)
It was more than we anticipated and much better than any thrift store score, because instead of ratty and dog-eared used library books, scratched CDs, and demagnetized videos, all the stuff was new or nearly new - all from donors and "friends of the library." Neither of us really need any more books, CDs, videos or DVDs, but at $1 dollar an item, how can you go wrong with the following haul:
Pet Shop Boys - Very CD ($1)

I couldn't remember if I had this Lego tactile cover edition of PSP's hit-packedVery ("Can You Forgive Her," "I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing," "Liberation," etc.), so I picked it up just in case. I did. Now I have very many. Or many Very, if you like.
Squeeze - Singles: 45's and Under CD ($1)

All the hits. Essential.
Various - 80s Metal Mania CD ($1)
All the hits. Not essential - but loads of fun! Drove off listening to Poison singing "Ain't Nothin' But a Good Time" followed by Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and by the end of the record had done enough head banging to justify popping a 500mg-strength Naproxen for the resulting neck pain.
Evelyn Glennie - Her Greatest Hits ($1)

Two CDs containing over two hours of Evelyn Glennie? Yes, because you can never have enough of Scotland's greatest deaf percussionist-babe.
Derek Bell - Carolan's Favourite CD

Amy scored this solo album by the late great Chieftains harp player because she likes instro backround music that's more conducive to reading than 80s Metal Mania. Soothing harp is good for book-worming. Good call, that one.
Red Army Choir - Red Army Choir Sings Russian Favorites CD ($1)

C'mon - how can anyone seriously pass up the "Volga Boatman's Song"??? Amy picked this up for her Dad, who speaks fluent Russian (apparently well enough to impress the Russian summer-help waitresses at Burke's Restaurant). Never say nyet nyet Soviet to a rousing chorus of "The Volga Burlock Song" or "The Brave Lads of the Don"!
The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food by Jennifer Lee (2008) ($1)

Amy got this because, well, Amy likes food. Especially Asian food. 'Nuff said!
Let There Be Light (1946) - directed by John Huston, video ($1)

This somewhat obscure WWII documentary - Huston's third war doc - about "shell-shocked" (today we call 'em "post-traumatic" ) vets was suppressed by the U.S. guv'ment for over 30 years. Filmed in an army hospital after the war had ended, it showed that the casualties continued to pile up even after all the shooting stopped. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and many were wasted by the psychological toll of "the war to end all wars.".
TV Book: The Ultimate Television Book, edited by Judy Fireman (1977) ($1)
Glad I grabbed this really cool, detailed book of essays by various writers that covers every aspect of television, from its invention and history to paens to some of some of its most obscure TV shows. It's discussion about the coming battle between Beta and VHS clearly dates it (although I get a feeling of deja vu given today's similar speculation over blu-ray and HD and whatever other upcoming technology is around the corner), but I'm glad I got as it's long been out-of-print.
The Golden Age of B Movies by Doug McClelland (1978) ($1)
With an introduction by "Queen of the B's" Evelyn Ankers. I know what you're thinking - who the heck is Evelyn Ankers??? I didn't know either, so I had to pick this one up - if only to find out this 1940's actress starred opposite Lon Chaney, Jr. in The Wolf Man and with Basil Rathbone in Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror!
50 from the 50's: Vintage Films from American's Mid-Century by David Zinman (1979) ($1)
This one was my personal fave rave of the day, chock-full of info and pix for some great '50s flicks from the knowledgeable author of Saturday Afternoon at the Bijou. Great review of Jack Arnold's existential sci-fi masterpiece The Incredible Shrinking Man. Out-of-print, natch.
Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence by Nick Bantock ($1)

I always wanted this interactive romantic postcard mystery, and they had lotsa copies!
The Beatles Album: 30 Years of Music and Memorabilia by Geoffery Guillano ($1)

The steal of the day. I made a waffling Amy (yes, she - the Beatles completist!) pick up this fascinating guide to "All Beatle Product" and I'm glad I did, as it's currently out of print.
The Rough Guide to the Beatles ($1)

Essential guide and inexcusable to pass up for a buck.
...and from the "Specially Priced" book sale table...
Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde 1919-1945, edited by Jan-Christopher Horak (List price $24.95, bought it for $10)

My one indulgence of the day. Wasn't sure about the availablity of this academic press tome; I'm not even that much into early experimental filmmakers, but the inner Librarian in me saw it as a potentially rewarding reference guide. You never know when you're gonna need a good reference book on Dudley Murphy, Man Ray, or Robert Florey. Really.
*** The Deal's Keep Coming... ***

Later, after we had Shepherd's Pies for lunch at Slainte in Fells Point (2nd only to those of the Brit-themed Go Fish pub in Rehobeth Beach!), we stopped in Soundgarden and I scored a used copy of The Firesign Theatre's out-of-print How Can You Be in Two Places at Once (When You're Not Anywhere At All)? for $5.99. I have all the records, but Firesign Theatre CDs are an endangered species and this is the famous 2nd album with the (Groucho) Marx-(John) Lennon cover and the first appearance of "Nick Danger, Third Eye." Another essential pickup!